I Now Present...(drumroll please!)

Hello friends,

It's here! It's here! My first book has officially arrived, and it's lying in front of me on my desk as I write this post. Total bliss, I tell ya.

Happiness is a published book!

I have probably overloaded my Facebook friends with pictures and statuses regarding my newfound excitement (and for those of you who are sick of my photograph showing up on your news feed, I apologize!), but I am thrilled to finally get to see the product of all our months of hard work.

This will most likely resemble an Academy Award speech, but it needs to be done:

A HUGE thanks to Mr. Phillip Bellury for hiring me and giving me the chance to write my first book. It was a long, difficult journey, but I had tons of fun getting to know you, Deb, Mike, Sue, and Meredith (not to mention meeting the other Sue and Mr. Scottie Mayfield), and it means so much that you believed in my talent. I learned more than I can say here about publishing and the process of creating a finished book, and it was a blessing to work at The Storyline Group (SLG). Thank you for everything! *And a big round of applause to the rest of our team members who designed, edited, managed, and operated the whole she-bang from Round One* Good luck with future SLG endeavours!

As a side note (you know how I like these): I wish I had more copies to share with friends and family, but that just means I'll have to take a trip to Braselton here in the next few months and go on a tour of the Mayfield visitor center and gift shop. Woot woot!

Thank you, Husband. You were (and still are) my rock through those crazy/busy nine months. I would not have been able to complete my internship (or stay sane for that matter) if hadn't been for your encouragement, late-night dinners, follow-up on my perpetual domestic failures, prayer, and occassional kick in the ass. I adore you.

Thank you friends and family (you know who you are!) for all the phone calls, messages, support, laughter, food, prayer, and sweet tea. You are the best people in this world and I often wonder what I'd do without you.

And, finally, I have to say that I serve a glorious King. His provision is so fufilling, and my spirit overflows with His love. I had some dark moments when stress, fatigue, frustration, and disappointment clouded my vision, and in those moments Jesus spoke soft words to my heart. I am only capable because of who He is and what He has already done in my world, and I rejoice at the sound of His voice.

Until next time,
