Home Tour: Our Office

On my 3rd Day of Unemployment, I thought I'd share with you our new office.

Now that I'm pursuing freelance writing as a career (I've had two potential projects open up today! Hooray!) I thought it would be fitting to share photos of our home office with you.

Now, I've always been a sit-on-the-couch-with-my-laptop-on-top-of-a-pillow kind of writer. But I really love our little desk and all our shelves full of books. Sitting here in the mornings, with some tea or coffee, checking emails and applying for jobs, has actually been quite lovely. It helps to keep my mind on the positive side of things. Plus, living in a house with a yard gives us a really happy, sunshiny view of our neighborhood. And you just can't beat that.

Underneath that adorable photo of me and my cousin Brittany at Six Flags with our personalized umbrellas (why did four year-olds want umbrellas?) is my very first copy of The Diary of Anne Frank. My parents bought it for me as a Christmas gift in 1996. As you can see, it's been read many, many times. It's one of my most prized possessions.

These are some of my favorite books in the whole world. Harry Potter. The Chronicles of Narnia. Walk Two Moons. The Giving Tree. A Day No Pigs Would Die. Gosh. I think I have the literary inclination of a middle schooler sometimes, but, hey. They're fantastic at any age!

Obviously, I love books. And I was lucky enough to marry a man who is made even sexier by the fact that he loves books, too. We differ drastically in taste, but I really can't complain.

Pierce's shelf reveals mostly biographies of coaches, presidents, businessmen, and pretty much any other person he admires, along with some pretty awesome reads by David Platt and Andy Stanley. There might also be some Atlanta Falcons bobbleheads, too. 

Yes, that is a signed John Smoltz jersey. He's still my favorite, even if he did leave us.

That letter is the one I received from Lara Perkins at the Atlanta Writer's Conference. Every time I start to think I can't write for a living, or that I should just give up, I look at it and remember "Yes, I am actually good at this. Keep going."

The screensaver is from the series Andy did at our church called "Recovery Road". It's pretty awesome. You can check it out here if you're interested.

Some of my favorite college memories: Cheesing it up at graduation and again freshman year with my best friend, Jillian, just before we went on the field to play the GSU Scramble. Big band nerds, we were. 

The end. Hope you enjoyed this little tour. More to come later!