resolution defined
So I was thinking about my resolution for this year, and I couldn't help but want to define it. We throw that word around a lot every January 1st, hoping that somehow it will grow wings and take us off to the places we really want to go. But it usually just falls flat on its face.
I looked up the definition and this is what I found:
1) A firm decision to do or not to do something
2) A formal expression of opinion or intention agreed on by a legislative body, committee, or other formal meeting
synonym: decision, determination, resolve, solution
I don't think I'll be meeting on any resolutions with a legislative body this year, so I'm going to go with the first definition.
A resolution is a firm decision. It's strong. It's determined. It's not changing.
And, yet, we make all these changes at the beginning of each year, changes that never last.
I want mine to last. I don't want to just choose to make a resolution. I want to live resolved.
I want to live each day with joy. With peace. With the knowledge that I am doing something, no matter how small, in each moment that contributes to the well-being of my marriage, my home, my spirit, and my world. Something that takes me further down the path God has paved for me. Not something that takes me on a detour.
I know it won't be easy to do this, but I am resolved in my effort to try. I am resolved in my belief that making each day count for something will make a difference.
You see, I'm a dreamer. I have a lot of ideas and a lot of things I'd like to do. And somewhere, in some dimension, I'm also a Type A person masquerading as a free spirit. As much as I like to dream, I also like to make lists and check them off.
The trouble is that I sometimes have difficulty putting into action, well...action. And I am resolved to make a change.
I have big plans for 2013. We all do, don't we? We start off excited about the new year. And then we fall back into old habits.
Some of my old habits need to die a hard death.
I don't want to go into another year still struggling with the same issues. This is not who we were designed to be. God created us for newness and freedom. And we can have it if we resolve to stop trusting only in ourselves. We can have it if trust in Him.
This is my resolution for 2013.
What is yours?