Tybee Island, Part Two
Let's get back to Tybee, shall we?
Most of our time there was spent eating, trying hard to pretend the weather was warm, and window shopping.
If you're ever on the island, you need to try the famous Crab Shack, which sits right on the marsh and has everything from a gator pit to a gift shop filled with birds that will talk to you.
It's also fun to take pictures at the various Crab Shack photo ops. Funnily enough, although I don't consider myself a tourist anymore because I spent so much time there in college, I was the only one in our group who got excited about the photo ops. Go figure.
The food at the Crab Shack is pricey, but well worth it. This entire plate of food was gone in about fifteen seconds.
And, of course, you can't take a trip to Tybee without going through Savannah and you certainly can't go to Savannah without going to River Street. It never gets old. It's one of the most beautiful cities I've ever been to.
Be sure and try BOTH of the River Street candy shops while you're there!