29 weeks
I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going. And I have to say I also can't believe how much better I feel emotionally than I did at the beginning. God is doing some good work in me right now and I'm praying I can stay focused on what He wants. He trusts me to be a mama. So I've decided it's time for me to trust myself.
Unfortunately, I can't say I feel as good physically. The third trimester has definitely been the difficult one. In my first trimester, I was mostly tired all the time. Just exhausted. As though I had run a marathon every day. The second trimester was a total breeze. And now all kinds of wonderful yucky things are happening to my body and I. Don't. Like. It.
Pierce and I have had a lot going on in the last few weeks, so I haven't been able to sit down and write out a comprehensive update until now. Thanks for reading along!
Baby Lucy: She moves around so much these days and I love it, love it, love it! She seems to really like music with heavy bass and soft Brooke Fraser-like melodies. She also responds when I read to her and when papa rubs my belly, which makes me incredibly happy! Also, I had the glucose tolerance test two weeks ago and, honestly, I didn't think it was that bad. The drink is gross, but it really just tastes like orange soda that's been sitting in your car for a few days. I can think of stuff I've made in my kitchen a lot worse than that. They told me when I left that if I didn't hear anything back the next day, I had passed. And no news is good news! It's now been almost 14 days and no phone call. Thank God! I was getting pretty anxious about that test because Lucy had been measuring so large for so long. But on that day she measured perfectly and was snuggled head-down against my pelvis. She's getting ready to meet us already! But stay in there a little longer, baby girl. You've still got a lot of growing to do between now and October. I promise Starbucks won't run out of pumpkin spice lattes before you get here.
Mama: I started having light Braxton Hicks contractions around 26 weeks, but they're barely noticeable now. If I sit down for a long time and then stand up suddenly my abdomen gets rock hard. But I think that's just from Lucy falling asleep in a certain position rather than my having actual uterine contractions. I'm not a physician, though, so I might be completely wrong. I have to pee much more these days, although I'm still sleeping very well, but I've had to get up once or twice in the middle of the night recently; however, considering I work from home and stay up until about one or two in the morning and sleep until about eleven every day, I'm able to get in those late-night bathroom trips while I'm still awake. The only issue I've had that's really been challenging is pelvic pain, which has brought a couple of tears to my eyes this trimester. My pelvis is shifting in preparation for birth and, in the process, I've developed symphysis pubis dysfunction (which sounds a lot worse than it is) or SPD. Basically, the joint that connects the two halves of my pelvis is moving a bit more than I'd like and it's caused inflammation. So...essentially...it feels like someone kicked me in the vagina whenever I walk, move around in bed, or try to get up in the morning. So that's fun. Oh, and I also got my first hemorrhoid ever but that's all I will say about that. Thanks, Lucy! Mama loves you.
Midwife Appointments/Hospital Tours: I love Intown Midwifery and can't say enough good things about them. They've made me feel so relaxed during my pregnancy. Pierce and I went on our first tour of Atlanta Medical Center a few weeks back and when we left I felt absolutely certain we'd made the right choice. It's not the fanciest hospital in Atlanta in terms of what looks "pretty", but it is one of only two that offers water birth and really promotes natural processes and breastfeeding, as well as education about what the female body can do and encouragement of families making well-informed decisions. We got to see the labor and delivery rooms, as well as the birthing tubs, and also the recovery area where I'll be placed after Lucy is born. Plus, they have unlimited visiting hours, so our friends and family can come at their own discretion without having to try and squeeze in a time during crazy afternoon hours here in the city.
Classes: I've signed up for the water birth class (a prerequisite for those hoping to deliver using this method), but I'm still searching for a breastfeeding class for us. Let me know if you have any suggestions!
Clothing: I finally broke down and got two pairs of maternity jeans, as you may have seen on my birthday post. But they were $4 each at Goodwill and they are amazing. I kind of wish I hadn't waited so long.
Weight Gain: At last check, I have gained 16 pounds and it's pretty much all belly. I started at 148 and am up to 164. This little girl is getting bigger every day and it shows. Still no stretch marks (Hooray! Thanks Mommy!) and my belly button hasn't popped either. I also don't have the linea nigra yet. Just a big ol' baby belly, which I'm totally good with, thank you very much!
Nursery: We've got lots to put in her room, but we haven't started yet. Soon, we hope!
Showers: We are going to have four (!!!) before it's all over and we couldn't be more excited about the generosity of our loved ones. The second one is this weekend, so I'm really looking forward to that.
Cravings: Food. Again, nothing in particular. I like comfort food like mac and cheese and decaf iced vanilla lattes. But that's really no different than life pre-Lucy.
Happy Wednesday to you all!
Outfit details: Dress from Lizard Thicket/ T-shirt from the Fox Theater Gift Shop/ "L" necklace from Forever 21 and pendant necklace from Old Navy/ Beaded bracelet gifted from Kenya and gold band from Charming Charlie