And now we're in the single digits...
Hi friends!
Wow. 31 weeks, you guys. I can't believe it. The time has passed so quickly since we discovered we were going to have a baby. I remember feeling a quiet little nudge at my heart in those two weeks before I took the test. I knew something was different, but I couldn't bring myself to admit that God might actually ask it of me. Of us. Being parents. Surely He knew better than to do that? Well, I suppose He did know better. I wouldn't have chosen it for myself at the time, even though I was trying to trust in Him; I so distracted by depression and anxiety that I couldn't fathom how He would choose it for me either. Still, I felt it. And the feeling was more than just a bigger appetite and a few cramps. I felt Him telling me to get ready because that downward spiral I was on was nearing an end and it was time for me to get off the ride.
And so here we are, twenty seven weeks later, and we will meeting our little girl within the next nine weeks. Sixty-three days! That's it. I still don't feel ready. But who ever does? I'm totally calm and confident about the birthing process, which might seem a little strange but, honestly, that I know I can do. My body is smart. It's done it's job well, thus far, and it will continue to do it. It's the "being a mom" thing that still makes me get on my knees in desperation and cry out to God for strength, for wisdom, and for courage above all else.
I don't suppose that's a bad thing, though, is it?
31 Week Update:
Baby Lucy: This girl LOVES when mama eats. Either that or she hates what I'm eating. I can't really tell. All I know is she is very active and loves to roll around in there. I will miss these moments more than anything. I can understand why some moms long for pregnancy again after their babies are born. There is nothing else in the world like feeling your baby move inside you. I'm grateful I get to have this experience.
She's still head down (yay!) and back to measuring a little bit ahead. Thankfully, at my last appointment, our midwife told me she's doesn't feel "big", just "long", which is to be expected when her mother is 5'10" and her papa is 6'2".
Mama: Pain. That's pretty much all I've got for you at this point. I'm no experiencing heart palpitations any more (such a relief!), but I have a hard time breathing unless I'm lying on my side and the pelvic pain just continues to increase. I wake up multiple times at night to turn over and every time I do I want to cry. I've been trying to continue walking as much as possible, even though I get stitches in my side after about twenty steps, because I really do feel better after some exercise. I just don't want to imagine what this will feel like when I'm full-term.
Midwife Appointments: All the midwives at Intown Midwifery are amazing, but I finally met Anjili last week. I had heard so many fabulous things about her beforehand and they were all true. I really hope she's the midwife on call when I give birth. I had a great time just chatting with her at my appointment and she was so encouraging!
Classes: I completed my water birth class and printed out my certification. Atlanta Medical Center requires its baby mamas to complete it either in person or online in order to have a water birth. Piece of cake! I'm really looking forward to the whole labor and delivery process. Pierce and I have both been studying the Bradley Method and I feel confident that he is going to be an incredible support for me on Lucy's birthday. I love him so much!
Oh, and I also signed us up for a breastfeeding class next month. I want to breastfeed as long as I can, and learning proper latch techniques and feeding positions are really going to come in handy. Again, I'm thankful for a husband who is as invested in this entire process as I am. He'll be attending the class with me!
Clothing: Same as before. Loving my two pairs of maternity jeans. They keep me sane and quite comfortable.
Weight Gain: 21 pounds total. I have to admit I was a little surprised at this number when I went in for my last appointment. I know Lucy is supposed to nearly double her weight from this point (she's about 3.5 lbs. at the moment), and so I definitely felt a little vain when I saw the number on the scale. 170?! You've got to be kidding?! Oh, but I was almost 150 when I got pregnant. It's cool, Wendi. Breathe. And take off a pound or two for clothing and shoes. Good Lord. Baby Lucy needs a healthy mama! Ain't no shame in it. Also, still no stretch marks, but the belly button is getting closer! I give it two more weeks before it pops, max.
Nursery: We have to get our dog settled in a new area before we can get started on this, and Pierce is currently working on this project. We did buy the paint for her room, though, and after my last shower my big sister sent us a crib! We can't wait to get it set up.
Cravings: Sugary yummy goodness. It's hard to stay away. Also meat (for the iron, I suppose) and cheese. But there's no surprise there.
Thanks for reading along! I can't wait to share Lucy with you guys when she gets here.
P.S. The tee is from Disco Belly and it is SO incredibly comfy. And it was on sale for just $15! Check out their website for more adorable maternity styles.