Lucy Turns One + A Video
Have you ever looked around at your life and just thought, "This is it. This. Is. It!" I had one of those moments on Saturday during baby girl's first birthday party. I was sitting on the living room floor with Pierce and Lucy, surrounded by family and friends, opening her gifts, and I could have just cried. I've never been someone who throws good parties. I wish I had that skill, I really do. I'm crafty and I'm friendly, but I'm not a skilled hostess. I would rather invite you over, let you rummage through my pantry, and give you a blanket so you could cuddle up on the couch in your sweats. That's my jam, right there. But on Saturday everything came together beautifully and, without a doubt, it all comes down to the big, fat, beautiful love we all share for Lucy Jane. It turns out she's been the missing piece to so much in our lives.
It was one of the best days I can remember. Thank you, with all of my heart, to everyone who came to celebrate our girl. Thank you for your time, your hugs, your excitement, your gifts, and your love. You guys are my people.
Also, a big thanks to Kati, our unofficial family photographer, and to Cassi, for capturing such sweet moments. Love you guys.
Finally, here's the video I put together for Lucy's first year. I totally didn't cry the whole time, either. Not at all.