Little Snapshots
I love facts. History + genealogy are my jam, as are biographies + documentaries. Which is why I will stalk people (alive and dead) online to find out random tidbits about their lives, such as how many times that author was rejected before he got published or why that girl decided against natural birth. If I watch a movie and turn to IMDB for an answer to "Is that actress really British?" it will inevitably turn into an hour-long research session on her previous roles and her favorite ice cream flavor. People interest me. Quirks are fun. And so are lists of random facts.
Which brings me to...
today's post:
A little snapshot of my life recently for those of you who also like knowing totally useless information. Let's begin.
I am working... on my trust issues. I never realized I had them until recently, but I totally do. I seem to always expect people to let me down, even though I have no idea why.
I am thinking... about fall and all the fall things.
I am drinking... iced sweet tea.
I am dreaming... about Christmas at the Biltmore this year.
I am feeling... a little sad about my brother moving away. A little worried about a family illness.
I am listening... to the sound of my mother-in-law making her lunch in the kitchen. Domesticity makes me happy.
I am planning... for our 7th wedding anniversary and Lucy's 2nd birthday. (What the what?)
I am looking... forward to my dermatology appointment Wednesday. #ihaterosacea
I am afraid of... losing people I love. Missing out on special moments. Making life-altering mistakes.
I am wishing... for greater patience and bigger faith.
I am reading... The Reason for God by Timothy Keller (YES.) and The Wednesday Sisters by Meg Waite Clayton.
I am writing... the sequel to The Best Kept Secret!
I am loving... Sing It On on Netflix. Aca-awesome.
I am spending... less money on things and more time on experiences with people I love.
I am asking... for grace. Always grace.
{photo of the Atlanta skyline just before a thunderstorm}