if you really knew me...

you'd know that i love a good adventure, real, imagined, or otherwise.

you'd know that my my friends are my family and my family are my friends.

you'd know that i love to be on stage, but have terrible stage fright.

you'd know that i love the little things (and, often, "little things" means animals).

you'd know that i was a band nerd. a big one.

you'd know that, sometimes, just looking at my husband fills me a consuming love and an almost panic-stricken fear of losing him.

you'd also know that we love to be silly. which is why our children will love/hate us.

you'd know that clothes make me happy, but almost nothing makes me as happy as food.

you'd know that sometimes my mom used to call me "Mr. Ed" because i have big teeth. but she and my dad spent thousands of dollars and years on orthodontia, so, unfortunately, i can't really blame all my dental insecurities on her.

happy friday!

tell me about you.

{post inspired by the lovely Casey Leigh}